Monday, June 28, 2021

Midstate Motor Cars

Midstate Motor Cars started in business sometime between 1919 and 1921, and ended its run 1924-1925.

It was located at 256 Wisconsin, on what was known as the Whalen Block.  The first businesses I could locate at that address was the Huron Auto & Supply Co., a real estate business run by Sylvester Whalen, and rooms for rent by Patrick Whalen in 1909.  Patrick Whalen would go on to rent these rooms for years, and Timothy Whalen ran a second hand store at that location as well.

A few of the subsequent businesses that operated at that address:

1926 - C. A. Campbell, auto dealer and Whalen Block
1928 - Huron Implement Co.
1930-1931 - Vacant
1932-33 - Farmer's Union Oil Co and Bindy's Market
1934 - Farmer's Union Oil Co and Farmer's Union Cream station
1936 - Farmer's Union Oil Co and Farmer's Union Cream station
1940 - Huron Ice Cream Store
1942 - Huron Ice Cream Store
1945 - Farmer's Union Cream Station and Royal Liquor Store
1948 - Royal Liquor Store and Gross Produce
1950 - Royal Liquor Store, rear Long & Gross Produce
1953 - Royal Liquor Store, rear Long's Produce
1955 - Royal Liquor Store, rear Long's Produce
1957 - Royal Liquor Store, rear Long's Produce
1960 - Mahowald Our Own Hdw EL2-2132, Royal Liquor Store, EL2-4056 

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