Saturday, March 21, 2015

Preserving old cassette tape recordings

Recently while cleaning my office (an adventure that deserves its own post) I ran across a tub of old cassette tapes that my mom gave me.  Most of them had belonged to my grandmother.   What a variety of tapes there were - my favorites were of my then three-year-old son singing nursery rhymes and telling stories, and another of my older son, who used to babble into a tape recorder instead of cleaning his room - he hated to write letters, and this is how he communicated with his great-grandparents.  There were also our kids' band concerts, a tape my grandmother made of children's songs in which she played on the piano and sang, as well as her funeral service and a recording she'd made of my husband's band from 30+ years ago, among others.  These cassettes are so old, and anyone who has ever dealt with this sight knows why I've been so uneasy about them.

My promise to myself when cleaning the office was that I'd start at the door and work my way around the mess - one item at a time, skipping nothing.  Many things were piled up in the office because I didn't know what to do with them, or I knew what I wanted to do but didn't know how to go about it.  I was about halfway through the room when I came upon the box of cassettes, which fell into the latter category.  I decided it was time for a learning experience.

It actually went easier and faster than I expected.  Typically, the motto "Anything That Can Go Wrong Will Go Wrong" applies to me!  But it was an impressively smooth process.

First, I needed software.  I downloaded the free Audacity program ( and installed it.  There were a couple of settings I needed to tweak for recording - first, I needed to set a Recording Device - I clicked the drop down arrow and chose "Line In."

Second, I selected a Recording Level.  I used the slider to set the level at about 75% first - and adjusted after doing a test recording.  I found mine worked best at 100%.

Next, I got my hardware ready - a computer, a Walkman, and a plug.   The whole setup, unimpressive as it is, looks like this:

I used a stereo plug (3.5mm) with two male ends.  I plugged one end into the headphone jack of the Walkman, and the other end into the computer, using the Line-In port with the "sound waves" icon - caution!  Do NOT use the headphone or microphone jack for this - I understand you can damage your computer by doing so.  Because this was new to me, I decided to use my old Vista computer rather than my newer one with all my genealogy files on it.

Next, I selected a cassette tape and put it in the Walkman.  On the Audacity screen, I hit the "record" button, and pushed "play" on the Walkman.  I recorded about 10-15 seconds, then hit "stop" on Audacity and on the Walkman, and played back the digitized file by hitting "Play" on Audacity.   My initial recording was hard to hear, so I adjusted the Recording Level on Audacity, and turned up the volume on the Walkman as well, and made a few more test recordings until I was pleased with the results.

Record/Stop/Play buttons on Audacity
When I was ready to being recording in earnest, I created a new file by going to File --> New in Audacity.  I got a new window.  I noted whether or not the cassette was a 60 minute or 90 minute, and planned to be sitting there when the tape stopped so I could stop Audacity as well - it will keep right on going if you don't, resulting in file sizes way bigger than you might want.  I hit "play" on the Walkman and "Record" in Audacity.  

When the file was done recording and I had hit "stop" in Audacity, I saved the digitized file by going to File-->Export Audio.  Using "Save Project" results in saving as an Audacity format rather than a sound file, which is great if you need to further tweak your results before exporting as a sound file.  But if you want just the sound file, go with Export Audio.

A dialog box comes up which allows adding additional information such as artist and track, which is optional.  Then "Ok."  The file then saves the recording as a .WAV sound file with whatever name you give it, and in the directory of the user's choice.

Audacity does a lot more than this - I found several tutorials on YouTube that showed what could be done with the program.  Someday I'll learn more, but for now, this does just what I need it to do to preserve those old cassettes in a better format.

Public domain photo of tape courtesy of
Disclaimer:  This is what worked for me - but I'm no expert.  You are encouraged to read some of the many tutorials on the web to educate yourself on the process.  I have no affiliation with either Sony nor Audacity.  :)

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Twenty-Four Years

It was 24 years ago today that my grandmother passed away.

I don't spend much time thinking about that day anymore, but I love the memories she left with me. She was no ordinary grandma.

She traumatized me with Dippity-do, poisoned me with her Green Drops medicine, almost ruined me for wanting children with the Ugly Baby, and totally "bamboozled" us with her tall tales of dying from pimples, getting our eyes pecked out from pet birds, and the terrible, terrible things the doctor would have to do if we got constipated.

She taught me Guppy Genetics, how to feed anyone anything using meatloaf, the art of making a sewing pattern out of newspaper, and playing the piano chords of the old 1940s dance music while she played the melodies.

She was fun - we had things at her house that we didn't get at home, like treasure boxes, the Family Doghouse, homemade picture books, sea shells, and party hats and noisemakers.  And she let us play with glitter.  That never, ever happened at home.  Ever.

She had her idiosyncrasies.  She loved her grandchildren, but would lock us outside in a heartbeat when As The World Turns came on.  She "flowered-over" ex-spouses and boyfriends, no questions asked.

She kept secrets well and bent over backwards to cover peoples' faults.  She rarely had an unkind word to say about anyone, but if someone said something bad about one of us, they'd better watch it. If it wasn't true, she'd set them straight in no uncertain terms, and if it was true, she'd tell them to mind their own business, in a very polite way, of course.

Even after 24 years, it doesn't feel as though she's gone.  I feel her presence every evening when we have dinner at her table, serve something in the pink bowl, when I'm in my sewing room, watching the bird feeder and telling stories about her to my young granddaughters.  So this day, it's her living I will remember.

Saturday, February 21, 2015

KGDY - Huron's "Voice of South Dakota"

87 years ago, in the back room of a small town pharmacy, Huron, South Dakota's first radio station took root.  It was KGDY; the year was 1928, and the place was Oldham, South Dakota.  The station, operated by J. Alfred Loesch, and bankrolled by John and William Loesch, was started not only as a public service, but also to promote the sales of radio receivers, which were sold by the Loesch family's pharmacy.  Their broadcast day ran from 2 - 6 pm, unless there was a local basketball game; and then William Loesch covered the "home" games, and Lou Loesch called the "away" games. Other programming included local talent, and lots of polka music.  And one lone advertiser - the pharmacy.

The station experienced its first growth in 1929 when it applied for a 6-fold increase in power, from 15 watts to 100 watts, and for permission to move the station to Huron.  The Federal Radio Commission granted that request in March of the following year, and assigned the station to operate on 1200 kilocycles.   However, the approval was not easily won, as South Dakota was already over its power quota, but Rep. A. C. Christopherson of Sioux Falls intervened on behalf of the station. The extra wattage was estimated to result in good reception for 200-300 miles.

The work of moving the station began, with a formal opening planned for August 1, 1930, with engineer Alfred T. Nelson of Oldham coming to Huron as the chief engineer.  J. Albert Loesch was the president of the new company, the "Voice of South Dakota."  Dual 80' towers were erected 3 miles north of Huron, just south of the Huron Country Club, and a studio was set up downtown, above the Golden Rule store.  The book "Huron Revisited" lists the location to be the upper level of 351 Dakota, and the local newspaper gives the address as 345 Dakota S., but city directories give the address of 347 Dakota S., above the Wright Land Company, which sat next door to the Golden Rule store, and probably shared the building.


The above photo, unknown year, shows the 300 block of Dakota Avenue S.  In 1930, the taller, 3-story Wheeler Drug Store was located at 339, with the Golden Rule store and Wohl Shoe store in the next building to the left at 345, and the Wright Land Company  and KGDY studio at 347.  The next building to the left appears to have housed Waibel Hardware (351) and Betts Osteopathic (353), and the Newton and Maag building at far left, home to Smith Jewelry (357), and Wagner Draperies and Inez Jones, milliner (361). Below is a photo of the area in more recent times, courtesy of Google Maps.


The new studio included a 50 seat auditorium with a glass wall separating the audience from the broadcast area; within the broadcast area was a glass booth for the announcer.  The cost for the studio and the towers was $14,000.   The station operated on 100 watts of power, but that amount could be stepped up to 500 watts on short notice.  Despite the increase in power, the company reiterated that this new station would not interfere with others that Huron residents enjoyed hearing.  KGDY would be located on the radio dial near KSOO of Sioux Falls.

The formal opening of the station was slightly delayed from August 1 to August 29, but a large celebration was planned to commemorate the event.  The broadcast day would run from 7 a.m. until "late at night," and the first day would feature not only prominent speakers, but local musical talent.  Among the speakers were Dean C. Larsen of the State College; Frank D. Kriebs, S. D. State Secretary of Agriculture; U. S. congressman Royal C. Johnson, and Huron mayor E. T. Gitchell.

Among the musical artists taking part were Mrs. C. E. Coyne, Mrs. R. W. Gibson, Mrs. Genevieve Trask, Miss Lois Gitchell, Beryl Kinkead-Stratton, Robert Bryan, Mrs. Max Royal, Winnifred Brewer of Woonsocket, the Huron College String Ensemble, D. J. O'Connor the "one armed fiddler of Miller," Phylis and Junior Boughman of Highmore, several dance and old-time orchestras, as well as Eddie and Jimmie Dean, the famous Coffey Boys, who were billed as "the most popular radio entertainers in the northwest."

Community excitement was high, as evidenced by the number of flower bouquets, telegrams, and telephone calls received.

The radio station was even used as an alibi in a bank robbery, when suspect Ed "Hungry Slim" Vandiver claimed to be singing on KGDY when the Merchants National Bank of Hatton, N.D. was robbed on September 14, 1932; however, no corroborating record of his performance on KGDY was found.

In March of 1933, the station was granted another increase in power from 100 watts to 250 watts. George W. Wright, then president of Voice of South Dakota, said the station would need to go off the air for four weeks while the improvements were being implemented.  The station would be changed to a regional channel at 1340 kilocycles, and a mid-April re-opening was anticipated.

Unfortunately, just days later, fire broke out in the KGDY studio, resulting in heavy damage in both the studio and the Golden Rule store below it.  The store stocked ready-to-wear women's clothing, and both inventory and fixtures were heavily damaged by smoke and water.  The store carried insurance adequate to cover the losses.  It was a different scenario with the radio station, however.  The studio equipment was completely destroyed - a $2500 loss.  Insurance coverage amounted to $1,000.   In addition, the building sustained roof and wall damage.  The cause of the fire was never determined.

The station was then sold to the Greater Kampeska Radio corporation of Watertown, and Robert J. Dean was appointed station manager.  The station had not broadcast since the fire five months earlier.  It was anticipated that the station would "open soon."

The last signoff of KGDY occurred in 1936, and was witnessed by G. W. Chitty.  That summer, Chitty learned that the station was up for sale, and he came with an interest in making the purchase.  However, he was not impressed with what he found.  There was still no studio in town, and the station had been broadcasting from their transmitter north of town due to problems with the local phone company.  The FCC had condemned their equipment and the owners had until Feb. 1, 1937 to replace it.  The station was in terrible condition - the only asset being their permit to operate.  For this reason, Chitty made what he considered to be a reasonable offer, and it was refused.  But the owners did agree to let him manage the station until the new equipment was installed.  Chitty immediately settled the dispute with the telephone company and got the phone service restored; he then located studio space on the second floor of the old K.P. Building (later the Farmers & Merchants Bank building), and got the old equipment moved to the new space.  But the FCC's deadline was nearing, and there was no sign of any progress in securing the new equipment.  The owners at that time (Dr. Koren, Robert Dean, and Mark Plowman of Watertown) were impacted by the Great Depression and it is believed that a lack of funds was the chief problem.

On January 31, 1937, the federal government ordered KGDY to cease operations at the end of the day.  Chitty remarked, "Huron's radio call letters were not to be heard again until June 30, 1947, when we put KIJV on the air."

The Evening Huronite, April 22, 1929
The Evening Huronite, October 1, 1929
The Evening Huronite, March 22, 1930
The Evening Huronite, July 9, 1930
The Evening Huronite, August 23, 1930
The Evening Huronite, August 27, 1930
The Evening Huronite, August 29, 1930
The Evening Huronite, December 9, 1932
The Evening Huronite, March 15, 1933
The Evening Huronite, March 20, 1933
The Evening Huronite, August 8, 1933
The Evening Huronite, November 9, 1933
The Evening Huronite, July 1, 1936
The Evening Huronite, October 8, 1936
The Evening Huronite, March 16, 1937
The Evening Huronite, May 31, 1937
The Evening Huronite, December 10, 1937
The Daily Plainsman, Dec. 15, 1972
The Daily Plainsman, January 5, 1973
Google Earth
"Huron Revisited"

Sunday, September 7, 2014

The Family Doghouse

If I were going to post about special memories of my grandparents on Grandparent's Day, I wouldn't know where to begin.  There's the Ugly Baby, Grandma's adventures with Contact Paper, swiping her True Story magazines, making Christmas ornaments, my love affairs with her double boilerserving bowl, and sewing table, the unthinkable things she used to do to my hair, and of course, the lies she told us regularly. But when Thomas MacEntee of Geneabloggers posted a photo of the old Family Doghouse, I knew I'd found my topic.

After a trip to Arizona, my grandparents came back with this gem that they'd picked up from a tourist shop in New Mexico, probably around 1970.  Grandpa hung it from the kitchen wall, and the fun began.  My brother, sister and I took turns putting each other in the "place of honor", getting mad at each other, and pitching fits until we discovered the perfect enemy - Grandpa!  He acted so indignant about being in the dog house that we quickly forgot about each other.  This lasted for quite awhile, until one rainy morning when he commented how glad he was to be in the doghouse so he wasn't getting rained on like we were.  He later told me the looks on our faces was priceless, and it was probably the first time we'd ever been speechless, all three of us, at one time!

They were fantastic grandparents, and we were blessed to live so close and spend so much time with them.  They were such positive influences on our lives, and a lot of fun to boot.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

The Old Table and the Wild Hair

Yesterday morning, I had my husband pull my grandparents’ old dining room table from the back of the garage, where it has been sitting for some time.  I always intended to refinish it, but the fact that I don’t know the first thing about the process kept me in procrastination mode.  I thought perhaps I could clean it up and put it into service again, but seeing its condition made me angry and very sad at the same time.  Grandma took good care of it while she was alive, but after that it was slowly destroyed. Splatters of dried paint, and a thin coat of glue and glitter covered both the top and the beautiful ornate pedestal base.  I realized that no amount of “cleaning it up” was going to make any difference.  At that point, I got the Wild Hair…

Grandma originally got this table around 1957-1958, after their home on the farm burned down and they moved to town.  She very rarely bought anything new, so I assume the table was second-hand when she bought it.  It was the center of every important (and unimportant) event in our family for the next ~40 years.

1 Wally_Betty_Wedding4
It held my parents’ wedding cake…

2 JuneWed1
It held my Aunt’s wedding cake…

3 KarenBirthday_March1960_2
It held a squirming 1 year old and all her presents…

4 BillLill25th
It held my Grandparents’ 25th anniversary cake…

5 444_May1960_Lill
It was the centerpiece of my Grandmother’s Card Club meetings…

6 43_Karen
And more birthday cakes…

7 GeoSylviaFam
And company from far away…

8 1962_NewYears_GmaKnutz_AuntMabel
New Years’ celebrations…

9 NovDinner

And so many delicious Christmas and Thanksgiving dinners were served from it. 
And it holds so many other memories for which pictures only exist in my memory and in my heart… Memories which served to fuel that Wild Hair to which I referred earlier.  The next thing I knew, it had been stripped and sanded -

and today, I hesitantly made a decision on the stain, and got busy -
I am hoping by this time next week, it’s sitting in my dining room ready for Generation #6 to begin making memories.